Tom Leighton | Photographer

"I am a professional photographer, specialising in children's fashion, food, still life and lifestyle & interiors. I do my darndest to create photos that are fun, vibrant, full of personality and appeal to their audience, whether that be a private portrait, a series of work that will be exhibited in an art gallery, or marketing material for a major children's designer. From children's lifestyle to still life photos shot in the studio, there is always a hint of whimsey." -
 Tom Leighton has arranged his subject in a row, the colours of the tubes are vibrant but look fragile, this contrasts against the bright white background. Leighton must have used a studio to create his image because the lighting is bold, balanced and enhances the subject. There is very little shadow on the tubes which creates a creative contrast between the background and the subject. Leighton has captured the texture of the dried up paint at the top and bottom of the tubes, this adds texture and enhances the colour of each tube. This photograph has been taken from above (Birds eye view). I think that the photographer has used this angle because it captures the rawness of the subject and also portrays a dimensional view to the photograph. I really like the way this photograph has been placed and taken. I like the fact that there is an equal amount of plain space all the way around the subject area, this emphasises the chosen subject and creates a powerful pattern.

Like the above photograph, the photographer has arranged his subject in a line, creating a subtle patten. 3 is an odd number but for this photograph it works well, the photographer has taken this photograph straight on. Unlike his other work however this doesn't make this image look flat or unbalanced. It brings out the depth in the object. I love how the photographer has turned something so boring looking -Brussel sprouts. Into something fun and easy on the eye. This portrays a contrast between the two, the different types of party hats suggest happiness, fun and joy. Whereas the boring looking Brussel sprouts (that not everyone loves) suggest boring, dull, uninspiring. But together they contrast and portray a subtle depth of energy and life. 

This photograph captures different circles in different forms of food and equipment. I really like the composition of this photograph because it has a distinctive but random layout. The background contrasts against the different textures of foods which emphasises the pattern. Again this photograph has been taken from above (birds eye view). I think that Leighton has used this angle to capture the dramatic colours, textures and to bring a 3 dimensional view to the image. I like Leighton's style of photography (taking the photograph from above) and I am going to take his technique and adapt it to my own work.

Tom Leighton Responses. 

I did a response to Tom Leighton's photograph of the paint tubes. I got 9 tubes of acrylic paint and lined them up in a row. I placed the studio lighting above but a little bit to the left of my subject to help me achieve the same effect as Leighton. By placing the lighting in this way it allowed me to get a small bit of shadow at the top of the tubes -Just like Leighton. Also by having the studio lights this allowed me to achieve a flawless crisp white background. However I do find there to be some glare on the tubes from where the flash has hit it, so if I was to re-create this I would try and adapt the lighting and settings so this could be avoided.

I tried to recreate Leighton's photograph with the oranges and sugar. I used Leighton's technique of taking the photograph from above. I placed the oranges, sugar and wooden spoon on a slate-like surface (my kitchen floor), to try and get my photograph exactly like the photographers. By doing this it has helped me practise taking still life photographs. 

If I retook this photograph I would try and use a studio, so I have the right lighting. I would buy (or find) a slate board to put as my background, so it is the same as the original image.

How does this relate to my project?

My project is based on circles and I want to try and capture circles in everyday life. Tom Leighton is a still life photographer and this is an area that I want to explore during my project. I want to take tips and tricks from different still life photographers and adapt them to my own work. The photograph I tired to recreate includes circles of different objects (Oranges, Sugar, spoons etc). These foods are commonly used nearly everyday as part of someones routine (for cooking and eating etc).

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