24 hour day | Final Outcome Ideas

For my final piece I want to create an illustration that captures someones 24 hour day.
My ideas link to my title of Circles because some people think that there life is just going round in circles, this is because they do they the same thing everyday and it can feel like
Idea one:
Every minute in a 24 hour day.

  • My final outcome will have 1,440 photographs, each representing one minute in a day, because there are 1,440 minutes in a day.
  • Each photograph will be stamp size (small but you can still see what the photograph is) 
  • For example I will have 480 photographs of closed eyes to represent someone sleeping. I will have 480 photographs because I estimated that I sleep for around 8 hours a night. 

Idea Two: 
Every hour in a 24 hour day. 
  • My final outcome will have 24 photographs, each representing one hour in a day, because there are 24 hours in a day.
  • These photographs will be a little bit bigger than my first idea, because there isn't as many photographs. 
  • For example I will have 8 photographs of closed eyes, again to represent someone sleeping. 
  • For this idea, I will do 24 photographs for each day. (Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun) and I will arrange them into circles to present them.  

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