Final Outcome Plan

Photograph plan:
This table represents each photograph that I need to take for each hour of the day. I have highlighted the ones that I have taken, this has enabled me to stay organised as I have a lot of photographs to take for my final piece.

I want to represent a 24 hour clock, I have a photograph for each hour of each day, for seven days of the week. This will be shown by having seven circles made up of 24 photographs which are stuck onto wooden blocks. I will repeat this seven times to have a circle-clock-like shape for every day of the week. My initial ideas had the days of the week written above each clock and the time of day for each photograph. However for this idea it will be abstract and the viewer will have to work out what my piece is about by looking at each individual photograph. The photograph above shows that the blocks will be black but I am going to paint them white. 

Final piece mock up:

As part of my final piece mock up I painted 24 blocks of wood white and stuck on 24 photographs for Monday. I did this mock up as I wanted to see what my final piece would look like and if there were any changes that needed to be made I could change and adapt them if needed. I placed the blocks into a circular shape, this circle will be repeated seven times, for the seven days of the week. They will be stuck onto the wall as part of my final outcome. For the mock up I have also made a template, I cut a piece of card into the same shape as the middle section of the circle, this is so it will be easier to arrange when It comes to putting the blocks onto the wall.
By doing a mock up of my final outcome I realised that my photographs may need to be stuck onto some card before sticking them onto the wood, this way the photographs won't be thin and hang off the edge.

Below are my initial final piece ideas.
Outcome Ideas:
Final piece design, I want to paint the outside box white to represent day time and the circle in the middle black to represent night time. I am also going to draw on clock hands to represent a clock telling the time. My photographs will be positioned at the right time on the clock to represent that time of day.

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