24 Hour Day | Monday


12am-7am: Sleeping (Closed eye). I decided to edit this photograph to make it into a circle, I used photoshop to add a black layer and to fade it out. I used black to represent someone sleeping. I have also cropped this photograph down so that the circle in central, and that theres the same distance all the way around.
This photograph will be repeated seven times to represent seven hours of sleeping 12am-7am.

7am: Awake (Open eye). I have taken this photograph of someones eye to represent someone waking up in the morning. I have placed the iris in the centre of the photograph and cropped it with the same amount of distance all the way around.

8am: Breakfast. I took this photograph of a crumpet to represent breakfast time. I used a crumpet because it has a circular shape, I placed this onto a circular plate to enhance the shape and to add pattern to the photograph.
9am: Car Wheel. This photograph represents travelling to work or school in the morning, I took a photograph of a car wheel as this is a form of transport that myself and other people use to travel.

10am: Glass of water. This is a photograph of a glass of water, I have taken this photograph and repeated it a couple of times throughout the week as everyone has a drink throughout the day.

11am: Clock. This photograph represents a clock and I have decided to take this image because throughout the day you look at a clock to tell the time, I have repeated this photograph (with a different time) throughout the week.

12pm: Lunch. This is a photograph of a bowl of granola, I decided to use this photograph for this time of day because this photograph adds texture, shapes and sizes. I like the different shaped nuts and grains which sit in a circular shape.

1pm: Coffee. This is a photograph of a cup of coffee, the saucer and cup create different size circles which are enhanced by the angle that I have taken the photograph (Birds eye view).

2pm: Cycle Sign. This is a photograph of a cycle sign, I took this because I see signs all the time and I wanted to capture one that represents a circle. 

3pm: Key Hole. This photograph represents a key hole. I decided to use this photograph because key holes are used everyday in everyones life, to open and lock doors. 

4pm: Car Wheel. This photograph represents travelling to work or school in the morning, I took a photograph of a car wheel as this is a form of transport that myself and other people use to travel.

5pm: Dinner. This is a photograph of a slow cooker, I took this photograph because there is food cooking inside the slow cooker. The droplets of water on the top also represent a circle.

6pm: Cup Of Tea. This is a photograph of a cup of tea, the circle of the top of the mug has been enhanced by the angle that I have taken the photograph (Birds eye view).

7pm: TV Remote. This photograph represents the circle of a button a TV remote, I chose to take a photograph of a TV remote because everyone watches T. 

8pm: Clock. This photograph represents a clock and I have decided to take this image because throughout the day you look at a clock to tell the time, I have repeated this photograph (with a different time) throughout the week.

9pm: Closed eye (sleeping eye). I decided to edit this photograph to make it into a circle, I used photoshop to add a black layer and to fade it out. I used black to represent someone sleeping. I have also cropped this photograph down so that the circle in central, and that theres the same distance all the way around.
This photograph will be repeated three times to represent seven hours of sleeping 9pm-11pm.

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