24 Hour Day | Saturday


12am-7am: Sleeping (Closed eye). I decided to edit this photograph to make it into a circle, I used photoshop to add a black layer and to fade it out. I used black to represent someone sleeping. I have also cropped this photograph down so that the circle in central, and that theres the same distance all the way around.
This photograph will be repeated 9 times to represent nine hours of sleeping 12am-9am.

9am: Awake (Open eye). I have taken this

photograph of someones eye to represent someone waking up in the morning. I have placed the iris in the centre of the photograph and cropped it with the same amount of distance all the way around.

10am: Makeup. I have taken this photograph of some makeup to represent getting ready in the morning and putting on makeup. 

11am: Cycle sign. This is a photograph of a cycle sign, I took this because I see signs all the time and I wanted to capture one that represents a circle. 

12pm: Lunch. This is a photograph of a pot which contains food. I took this photograph because most people have a packed lunch each day. 

1pm: Purse. This photograph represents a purse, used for shopping which most people tend to do on a saturday. 

2pm: Money. This is a photograph of a £1 coin, this represents money and shopping. 

3pm: Bin Sign. This photograph represents a sign on a bin. I took this because these are seen almost everywhere. 

4pm: Clock. This photograph represents a clock and I have decided to take this image because throughout the day you look at a clock to tell the time, I have repeated this photograph (with a different time) throughout the week.
5pm: Taps. This photograph represents a tap, I took this photograph because I wanted to capture time where people use the bathroom.

6pm: Water. This is a photograph of a glass of water, I have taken this photograph and repeated it a couple of times throughout the week as everyone has a drink throughout the day.

7pm: Makeup. This is a pot of makeup, this is to represent someone either getting ready for a night out or taking off their makeup at night time. 

 8pm: TV Remote. This photograph represents the circle of a button a TV remote, I chose to take a photograph of a TV remote because everyone watches TV. 

9pm: Cup Of Tea. This is a photograph of a cup of tea, the circle of the top of the mug has been enhanced by the angle that I have taken the photograph (Birds eye view).

10pm: Clock. This photograph represents a clock and I have decided to take this image because throughout the day you look at a clock to tell the time, I have repeated this photograph (with a different time) throughout the week.

11pm: Closed eye (sleeping).  I decided to edit this photograph to make it into a circle, I used photoshop to add a black layer and to fade it out. I used black to represent someone sleeping. I have also cropped this photograph down so that the circle in central, and that theres the same distance all the way around.

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