Sunday 23 February 2014

50 Things: Photographic Recording Task // Initial Photographs

These photographs are my initial ideas based on the word circles. I took this literally and took photographs of things that are shaped as a circle; makeup, food, signs, clothing for example. But then I also thought about a deeper meaning to circles, like the circle of life or circle of friends/family etc. I collected a few images of me and my family, and me with friends to represent this. Some of these photographs were taken on my iPhone because at the time it would have been taken I was out and just saw a perfect opportunity to take a photograph. This has been a really good task to undertake as its made me look out for circles in everyday things, that I probably wouldn't see normally. I think that these photographs capture circles but also moments in life that are memories and have a important meaning. This task has also made me think a lot more creatively and 'outside the box' when responding to the word circle. 
This photograph also represents circles in everyday life as this is a photograph of a sign. Signs are everywhere. On the road, in buildings, on buildings etc. They all mean different things but are still the same shape. 
I took this photograph because from the above angle you can see that there are circles, that have been put together to create a patten. I took this photograph because this also represents an everyday object, carpet. A closer look at this design, you find circles that you probably wouldn't realise are there. 

Circles in makeup

Makeup:  I took photographs of makeup because this is also an every day task that most people undertake each day. I really like the different colours that these eyeshadows and blushers create. As I stated at the beginning of this post, some of these photographs were taken on my phone. The photograph above was designed to show the circles from the eyeshadows and rings, I took this photograph with my camera and I took it from a birds eye view. I did this because it captures the colours and shapes of the eyeshadows and jewellery.

Circles in food and drinks

Food: I took photographs of food in circle form to represent food in everyday life. I made some cupcakes and decorated them with tiny edable circular balls. I took these photographs from a birds eye view to enhance the shape and patten on the different foods. The photograph in the right bottom corner was taken at a restraunt so the lighting casts a shadow onto the food, if I was to take this and develop it further I would by the same kind of food and take the photograph in the studio, where I can adapt the lighting and settings.

Topshop (Nail varnish, Signs)

'Big wheel'
Ball pit 
London Tube signs

'Circle of friends and family'

London Tube sign.

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